We may think we are out of the woods and the world has moved on from COVID. We may think we have just moved on and now we are getting "back to normal."For many children, "back to normal" does not...
Category: The Brain
Music and speech have 3 main things in common: timing, pitch and timbre. Each of these 3 elements are essential to both speech and music and without an understanding of how to process them, you will...
COVID has been hard. Many lost businesses and jobs. Many even lost loved ones and an unprecedented number lost their lives. There has been isolation, lack of contact with family, no physical...
We have all heard the phrase "music makes you smarter" but were you aware that music can help to quiet a disorganized brain?So How Is Playing Music Beneficial to the Brain? The rhythm and...
How Brain Development Impacts the Social Development of Children
Once upon a time, we used to think a baby’s brain was not very developed at birth but now, with the technology available, we are learning more and more about what happens, how a baby’s...
First and foremost I am a musician. Music is not what I do, it is who I am. I could no sooner stop being musical than stop breathing. It has been in me since birth.I am adopted, in fact, all...